Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Poor Little Who in a Babooshka

Thank you to all of my furiends for the well wishes!! Turns out I do NOT have an infection in my very private Who-parts BUT I have TWO stones in there the size of my Who-foot!!! (Who put those there???).

I has to have surgery!!!When the Who-doctor told the momma how much snackum money it would cost, she passed out on the floor (my shaggy brother Butter had mopped the floor first with his plush furs). I had to revives her with some Who-kisses. The momma always acts up at the vets office.

 Now I has to go see my vet from SC Thursday cause the momma says he is the bestest Who-doctor in the worlds. Whatever. I will be the judge of that cause the momma doesn't realize that the way to judge a Who-doctor is by the snackums they gives out!

I will be fine though cause the momma says Who's are tough (tougher than Beans, that's fur sure)

Your pre-op Who, Sugar

P's & S's: The momma says I looks like a little old polish woman with a cataract in this picture. That momma sure can be a meanie butt.


Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Sugar :(

I will be sending you lots and lots of puppy prayers.

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Mom and me luvs your babooshka foto!

3 doxies said...

Babooska deary...I thinks I would haves druther had a UTI than rocks in my who ha area.
But whatevers we will haves you very close to our most magnificent doxie hearts. You'll get good meds so it'll all be good. You might even gets to see Alice from Wonderland.


Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, my, we're so sorry to hear about the stones! That's gotta hurt! Too bad they're not diamond stones - that could buy a LOT of snackums. Hope you feel better soon!

The Road Dogs

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Sugar, not stones! Mama has had kidney stones and she says it is about the worst thing in the world, but Puddles is right the drugs are good! Sending you lots of good thoughts!

Your pal, Pip

Corbin said...

Oh Sugar! I hope everything goes smoothly! Paws are crossed for you and your hooha!

Oskar said...

I hope you get your Who-self all set!

Nubbin wiggles,

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Awwww!!! Stop it already wits 'dat face!! Okay... what are you trying to do to us..

we's glad yous better and we's sitting here waiting for yous next post!!

Ummm hello?? Where it be!!
Gimmie a break!! Snorts!! Hey what kind of candy is yous handing outs for hallow weiners??

Can we's place our order.. do yous drop ship??

Next day??
We's up late watching the tele...
Okay... we's done..
glad yous feeling betters!!
