Butter the Bean feels he has been getting a bad rap around here lately (his rap is never as bad as his real-life Bean self). He had some photos taken to prove he is just a laid-back Bean with no worries and no bared toofs. The momma says he thinks he is 'Bean Martin' ....(very WHOfusing)........
Here a Bean attempts to display his nonchalant attitude and his lack of concern for SockMonkey-innards
Here we can see a Bean yukking it up at some witty remark made by his WHOpanions
'Wha???' a Bean asks of the throngs vying for is attentions....
And finally, the look all the ladies love (whatever) as a Bean stares deep into their eyes..
I'm not sure this here shows my brother is NOT a Butter possessed by SockMonkey innards, but it sure shows he is full of himself
Signed Your un-convinced Who, Sugar
BOL, you sure seem unconvinced Sugar. I don't know, he doesn't seem that bad.. You have a very good actor in your pack, darling.
How is the exorcism coming along? Perhaps that hat is magical and makes the little guy a bit more, well, normal.
Hmmm, Sugar he does seem to have that Bean Martin look!
Hi there! I saw you visited my blog so I stopped by - am now following your blog!
Cairn Cuddles,
Yous not foolin' me Bean boy!! Me know you bad boy bean!!
Yep~ drezz you up, butt can't take you out!!
Hey, did youz Momma and Daddy Man get my Momma her order of waffels?? teehees- hers waiting for 'um!!
Hey bean!! toot toot hey beep beep!! Grrrr
I'z think I was possessed by Anakin for a second there- "me know" what the @#%^@#
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