Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Versatile Who

The Versatile Blogger award was presented to us (really just me the Who I'm sure) by the super gorgeous Hawk at Browndogcbr . He is obviously VERY intelligent to recognize how wonderfuls I am am.

So there is rules that go along with this! Who knew? I has to share 7 things about ME (the momma says ALL of us-even the grumpy bun) and I has to pass the award on to 15 new or newly discovered blogs. 


Me (Sugar the Who): When we all go to the V-E-T together I am tough stuff while my brothers and Uncle Freddy act like big crybaby fools. But if I go alone I get pretty scared. I am way BIG stuff when the brothers are around.
Hannibal (the Moose): My 80lb Hannibal has big-time separation anxiety and throws a fit when the momma and daddy leave. He has ransacked the house and eaten all kinds of stuff (with ZERO effect) when the parents leave. 
Butter (the Bean): My brother Butter looks like a stuffed animal but he is MEAN as a SNAKE! He has bitten the daddy twice, our Aunt Kimmy once, and he even nipped the Nana!! But he totally fakes it in front of people and no one believes he is a big BUTTHEAD!
Uncle Fred (2-ton Tessie): Uncle Fred is scared of EVERYTHING-people, flashlights, new food bowls, all of it. When people come to our house he hides in the jungle and bays at them BUT once they start to leave he charges out barking like he is all tough.
Porkpie (the grumpy old man): Porky does not want ANYTHING in his house. He uses his litter pan but spends half the day trying to yank it right off the corner! He is also super nosey-He stands on stuff so he can see the guinea pigs and watches them like a furry stalker.
The Pigs (Squeaky Fromme and New Pig) If they hear the momma or daddy open a cabinet or even touch a bag they start whistling and throwing a fit cause they want more snackums....even if they just got some!

Newly Discovered Blogs getting the Versatile Blogger Award:

1.We love these here weenie-dogs in Florida and we think Amber is the BIG cheese (or weenie hehehehe) around her house!
2.There is nothin' better that catching up on Weird McBeard Groucho and the byoo-T-full Maggi at the 'splorin' wolfies
3.Butter the Bean thinks he has found his twin (when he is all fluffy that is) in Snoopy with the cone of shame
4.Even though his Honorable self is not new, how could we not mention Blogvilles first (and only) Mayor Furter. He is the first (and again prolly ONLY) mayor willing to come to the rescue in his superheroing undies!
5.The momma says she could 'bust a gut' (I is sure that involves something gross) over the fabulousness that follows Kolchak
6. We loves to follow the byoo-T-full and always fun Tessa the fabulous who manages to look fab while gathering incriminating pictures of Blogvilles political party.
7. How could you not love Benny and Lily who not only drive a Fiat but are answering questions enquiring minds want to know!
8. One favWHOrites out there is the always stylish and possibly looking for a 'naughty date' Roo the great and powerful
9. We can't leave out Ludo who manages to maintain his greatness while his rabbit-dog siblings Molly and Faline tear ups his learnin' books!

Okay, so that is only 9 and there are HUNDREDS of fantastic blogs out there. But I is gettin some WHOdinitis from all this typing!

Sugar the Versatile Who

**** Don't forget tomorrow we announce the snooter winner!!! Have you voted? Don't miss your chance to go down in history as a Buddy to a deserving bunny at Red Door Animal Shelter


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Award Miss Sugar! I thinks your Award is beautiful and very well deserved!

I also thank you for mentioning that I is Byoo-T-Full. Mom says I is full of something so I is sure she knows how byooTfull I is too!

I is so happy that we have become furiends, even though we just met!

woos, Tessa

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations on your award...love reading the answers
Benny & Lily

Sheltie Times said...

Congrats on your award.

-Katy & Bailey

Adien Crafts said...

Congratulations on your award, we think you also deserve a writing award for all those lists - boy o boy that must have taken ages :-) Great to catch up, Dex & Lou xxx

snoopy@snoopysdogblog said...

Thanks for the award guys, I'm totally flattered!!

Butter the Bean, you're right, I'm like a big version of you!

Hey Buddy I don't believe you're a Butthead - you're way too cute! :)

Have fun,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Kolchak Puggle said...

Oh Wow! we are SO TOUCHED! Thank you so very much! We think you are pretty fabulous too!